Madewell Products Corporation
Concrete Restoration Materials — Corrosion Barrier Coatings — Custom Application Equipment


Welcome to Madewell Products Corporation. We are manufacturers of corrosion-resistant protective coatings, concrete restoration products, and specialty application equipment. These products are used in many applications, the most popular of which include:

Manhole rehabilitation buttonThe Mainstay Composite Liner is a manhole rehabilitation system used to quickly restore and protect deteriorated concrete and brick manholes, lift stations, and wastewater treatment plant structures. This manhole rehabilitation system includes a family of restoration mortars, such as Mainstay ML-72 Sprayable Microsilica Restoration Mortar, and high build, 100% solids epoxy topcoats, such as Mainstay DS-5 Epoxy Coating.

Potable water linings buttonMadewell 1312S 100% Solids Epoxy Coating is used on steel and concrete structures containing potable water. Madewell 1312S may be used in conjunction with our family of restoration mortars to restore concrete potable water structures in need of repair.

Industrial restoration and tank linings buttonMadewell Products Corporation manufactures industrial coatings, mortars, and vinyl ester products used for the restoration of structures in pulp and paper mills, chemical processing plants, and other facilities. These products are also ideally suited as tank linings for most chemical immersion applications.

Floor coatings buttonMadewell Products Corporation manufactures Mainstay SLU-HC Premium Self Leveling Underlayment, and a moisture mitigation product called Permaseal Platinum that work synergistically to form the Mainstay Composite Top system. When used together, these products provide a subfloor that is tightly bonded, smooth, flat, and free of any issues associated with moisture and alkalinity.

Aquarium and zoo linings buttonMadewell's unreinforced and laminate lining systems have been used to provide corrosion protection and waterproofing in aquariums and zoos throughout the United States and Canada. Clients include the Georgia Aquarium, the National Aquarium in Baltimore, the Chattanooga Aquarium, and many others.

Application equipment buttonMadewell manufactures a complete line of application equipment used to mix, pump, and spray heavy bodied restoration mortars and high build, 100% solids corrosion barrier coatings.

Certified Applicator Promise:

Materials manufactured by Madewell Products Corporation are only to be installed by persons who have been certified to apply these products. If you are interested in learning more about our certification process or how to become a certified applicator, please contact us.